Connecting for an informed and conscious society

From October 15 to 17 in MADRID

Join us at the Summit of Engaged Digital Citizenship, the leading event to inform and raise awareness in society.the leading event to inform and raise awareness in society. This three-day event, which will take place from October 15-17, 2024 in the beautiful city of Madrid, will bring together experts from all over Europe to share their knowledge and views on the latest developments in digital education and training.will bring together experts from all over Europe to share their knowledge and views on the latest developments in digital education and training.

With a busy agenda of conferences, workshops, project presentations and panel discussions, you will have the opportunity to learn about best practices and guidelines for the development of digital competencies. Also will have the opportunity to network with other like-minded individuals and explore the latest trends and technologies in the digital world.

The Meeting will take place at Caixa Forum located at P.º del Prado, 36, Centro, 28014 Madrid and at La Nave Madrid (former Boetticher Factory), located at C. Cifuentes, 5, Villaverde, 28021 Madrid.


This program is tentative, the final program will be published later. Some of the participants have not been confirmed but the theme is the one that has been defined.

Tuesday, October 15


CaixaForum Madrid

Access to the site from 14:00h to 20:00h


CaixaForum Madrid

Simultaneous activities

“Against fake news”, anti-rumor artificial intelligence project (Stiftung Digitale Chancen, Germany)

  • Matthias Wolf, Project Manager, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
  • Laura Hänsch, Project Manager, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
  • Pablo Moreno, Project Officer, Dramblys
  • Paloma Ollero Pascual, Communication Officer, Dramblys

“We want to decide”, how to incorporate the children’s perspective in the design of our cities (Colectic, Spain)

  • Martina Mayrhofer, Colectic SCCL

“MyHood app”, involving young people in the creation of green and sustainable cities (European Project and Management Agency, Czech Republic).

  • Iva Walterova, EPMA
  • Katerina Moreira, EPMA

Preparatory meeting of working groups Plataforma Red Conecta

La Liga Iberoamericana preparatory meeting

Wednesday, October 16


Auditorium (La Nave)



Institutional welcome

  • Altheo Valentini, President of ALL DIGITAL
  • Fundación Esplai representative


Keynote speech: “Fostering the digital society”.

Marta Markowska, Team Leader– Digital Education Empowerment and Outreach
European Commission, Directorate General for Education, Youth Sport and Culture


Panel discussion with experts: “Fostering the digital society”.


  • Francisco Javier Poleo Gutiérrez, General Director of INCIDE.


  • Pablo Godoy Fernández or Alicia García-Madrid Colado, representatives of Action Against Hunger – Green at You project.
  • Marta Markowska, Team Leader– Digital Education Empowerment and Outreach.
  • Miriam Urbano, Consultant | Trainer | Educator | Populariser | Author ‘Digital Happiness’.


Keynote speech: “New emerging technologies”, by Carolina Castillo, Chief Marketing Operations Officer at Microsoft Spain.


Panel discussion with experts: “Empowering digital social innovation”.


  • Víctor Hugo Martínez Buixeda, general director of Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida.


  • Stefan Chichevaliev, Senior Expert, Diesis Network, Belgium.
  • Ángel Niño Quesada, Councillor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Madrid City.
  • Carolina Castillo, Chief Marketing Operations Officer at Microsoft Spain.
  • Xavier Trabado Farré, coordinator m4social, of the Taula d’Entitats del Tercer Sector Social de Catalunya.


Digital Village (Central Hall)

Digital Village opening and coffee break


Change of rooms


Slot 1: lectures, talks, panel discussions and concurrent activities

S1- Fostering the digital society

Panel discussion: “Equality in Enjoying Cultural Goods in the Digital Era”.


  • Vaggelis Gettos, Head of Culture Arts Unit – Project Management Executive at CSI, Cyprus.


  • Hristy Romer, Communication Manager at the European Theatre Convention.

  • Aistė Ulubey, Founder Manager of Artscape Arts Agency.

  • Jolan Wuyts, Collections Editor at Europeana.

S2- Educating on Media Literacy, Data and AI

Agora (Central Nave)

Lightning talks

  • How to design and implement a scalable media/data literacy/AI (Open the Box) initiative – Dataninja, Italy.
  • Media and digital literacy – Media Education Center, Serbia.
  • eRueca Virtual Social Center – La Rueca Association, Spain.
  • School Art Gallery.
    Training course for art teachers to use AR in their teaching – Consorzio Ro.Ma.
    School ARt Gallery, Italy.
  • CybARverse: Digital literacy in VET through cybersecurity training with immersive technologies – Association “Langas į ateitį”, Lithuania, and Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus .
  • The importance of having sufficient data to analyze digital divides – Fundació Ferrer i Guàrdia, Spain.

S3- European Digital Rights, Online Safety and Wellbeing: principles guiding policies

Workshop or roundtable discussion: “Essential services accessible to All.


  • Florian Ruymen, Maks
  • Véronique De Leener, Maks
  • Perine Brotcorne, CIRTES and UCLouvain
  • Iria Galvan Castaño, Lire et écrire
  • Carlos San Juan


S4- Empowering digital social innovation

Panel discussion: “How to share training and certification tools in Europe? Lessons from the Pix experience”  


  • Jean-François Plard, International Sector Manager, Pix


  • Mª Jesús García San Martín, Area Coordinator, Secretaría de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial, Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública de España
  • Aurélien Fiévez, Digital Advisor to the Government of Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Belgium
  • Stefano Kluzer, DigComp expert and consultant 
  • Marie Bancal, Deputy Director, Pix 
  • Anusca Ferrari, Deputy Head of Unit, European Education and Culture Executive Agency  (TBC)
  • Begoña Uribesalgo Micás, Àrea de Desenvolupament Econòmic, Turisme i Comerç, Diputacio de Barcelona, Spain (TBC)

Maker Fair (Central Hall)

Makerspace – Demo Experience

  • “Our everyday screens”- Red Punt TIC, Spain
  • Robotics Digital Making – Esplai Foundation, Spain
  • TecnoTruck – The Mobile GarageLab: Itinerant Digital Fabrication Lab – La Rueca Asociación, Spain


Hall Auditorium (La Nave)

Lunch and networking


Slot 2: lectures, talks, panel discussions and concurrent activities

S1- Fostering the digital society

Agora (Central Nave)

Lightning talks

  • Free software to bridge the digital divide – Saregune, Spain.
  • DigCompLabour Employment Proposal – Red Cross, Spain.
  • Use of ICT tools with people with disabilities – CyL Digital / Junta de Castilla y León, Spain.
  • Materahub, MOSAIC
  • Gender Inclusive and Authentic Digital Practices – CARDET, Cyprus.
  • #FamíliesTIC – Colectic / Oficina tècnica Punt TIC, Spain.

S2- Educating on Media Literacy, Data and AI

Workshop: “Generative Systems in a Regenerative Economy: Designing a Curriculum for an Era of More-than-Human Agency and Intelligence” – Soenke Zehle, K8

S3- European Digital Rights, Online Safety and Wellbeing: principles guiding policies

Panel discussion: “Digital rights in digital policies”  


  • Antonio Fernandez, CEPAIM


  • Rosa Díaz Moles, ONTSI Director
  • Salvador Estevan Martínez, Director General de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial, (Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública)
  • Fundación Esplai
  • Carlos Susias, EAPN 
  • Ana Liesa – Microsoft


S4- Empowering digital social innovation

Panel discussion: “Social innovation for change”  


  • Gabriel González


  • Lorena Silvestri, .jes
  • Lorena Ruiz, Greenpeace
  • Irene Zugasti, professional expert
  • Noemí Menéndez, La Rueca Asociación
  • Margarita Padilla
  • Isa Ludita, La Nave Nodriza
  • Centro de Innovación Social La Noria de Málaga

Maker Fair (Central Hall)

Makerspace – Demo Experience

  • CybARverse: Digital literacy in VET through cybersecurity training with immersive technologies – Langas i Ateiti, Lithuania
  • Robotics Digital Making – Esplai Foundation, Spain
  • TecnoTruck – The Mobile GarageLab: Itinerant Digital Fabrication Lab – La Rueca Asociación, Spain


Floor 2 (The Nave)

(Limited seating)

Ibero-American Forum “Making Policy Together”: Sport and Technology for the Promotion of Transferable Skills in Youth

  • Panel discussion: “Developing Transferable Skills through Sports and Technology” – Fundación SES, Argentina; Liga Iberoamericana de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil and Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida, Spain.


Change of rooms


Slot 3: lectures, talks, panel discussions and concurrent activities

S1- Fostering the digital society

Workshop: “Observatorio de las Brechas Digitales” – Fundación Esplai and Plataforma Red Conecta, Spain.

S2- Educating on Media Literacy, Data and AI

Workshop: “Leveraging MEGASKILLS: An extra life for commercial video games in training and HR sectors” – Flavio Escribano, GECON

S3- European Digital Rights, Online Safety and Wellbeing: principles guiding policies

Panel discussion: “Digital rights in the age of Artificial Intelligence” – Fundación Esplai and Plataforma Red Conecta Ciudadanía Comprometida, Spain.

S4- Empowering digital social innovation

Agora (Central Nave)

Lightning talks

  • FAB Circular Network of Territorial Innovation.
    New spaces for experimentation – Diputación de Cáceres, Spain.
  • Digital transformation plan – Arrabal-AID, Spain.
  • Mapping of formal and non-formal education programs for DigComp 2.2.
    – LIKTA, Latvia.
  • Fostering social innovation through inclusive entrepreneurship – DAISSy Research Group, Greece.
  • Project R que R: Recycling and reuse of technological components.
    Assembly and repair of computers and mobile devices – Candelita Association, Spain.
  • Colaboratori Catalonia a Lab of Labs – i2CAT Foundation, Spain.


Maker Fair (Central Hall)

Makerspace – Demo Experience

  • STEAM skills for vulnerable youth – Cruz Roja, Spain
  • Robotics Digital Making – Esplai Foundation, Spain
  • TecnoTruck – The Mobile GarageLab: Itinerant Digital Fabrication Lab – La Rueca Asociación, Spain


Floor 2 (The Nave)

(Limited seating)

Ibero-American Forum “Making Policy Together”: Sport and Technology for the Promotion of Transferable Skills in Youth

  • Panel discussion: “Developing Transferable Skills through Sports and Technology” – Fundación SES, Argentina; Liga Iberoamericana de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil and Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida, Spain.


Digital Village (Central Hall)

Coffee break and networking


Auditorium (La Nave)


Thursday, October 17th


Auditorium (La Nave)



Institutional welcome


Keynote speech: “Defending European digital rights, online security and digital well-being“.

Mr. Thibaut Kleiner, Director of Strategy and Policy Dissemination.
Thibaut Kleiner, Director of Strategy and Policy Dissemination.
General Directorate of Communication Networks, Content and Technologies. European Commission


Panel discussion with experts: “European digital rights and principles through policies”.


  • Alejandra Solla, Director of Fundación SES (Argentina) and of the Ibero-American League of Civil Society Organizations.


  • Antonio Llorente, president of the Plataforma Red Conecta Ciudadanía Comprometida.
  • Ignacio Azorín González, General Director of Digital Strategy.
    Consejería de Digitalizacion de la Comunidad de Madrid.
  • Luis Prendes, General Director of Fundación Telefónica
  • Patricia Bezunartea Barrio, General Director of Family Diversity and Social Services.
    Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030.


Keynote speech: “Educating in media literacy, data and AI”.

Angeliki Giannakopoulou, coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence 4 Adult Learning (AI4AL) project, European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA).


Panel discussion with experts:“ALL DIGITAL Academy Panel – Integrating emerging technologies in education”.


  • Afonso Araujo, head of the ALL DIGITAL Academy project.


  • Juan-Pablo Ferrero, Director of Education Sales in Western Europe, Intel Corporation | Global Education Center of Excellence
  • Jude Cosgrove, Researcher and policy analyst, Joint Research Center of the European Commission.
  • Achilles Kameas, Professor at HOU.
  • Davide Marocco, Professor at UNINA.
  • Christoph Bretgeld, Co-founder of SkillLab (AI4AL).

Digital Village (Central Hall)

Coffee break and networking


Change of rooms


Slot 1: lectures, talks, panel discussions and concurrent activities

S1- Fostering the digital society

Panel discussion: “The challenges of artificial intelligence literacy in education: how to integrate data and artificial intelligence skills in school and university curricula” – Dataninja, Italy

S2- Educating on Media Literacy, Data and AI

Workshop: “ALL DIGITAL Academy: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things and Generative Artificial Intelligence courses”.


  • Theodor Panagiotakopoulos, HOU – IoT.
  • Davide Marocco, Unina – AI.
  • Dea Kralj, GenAIEdu.

S3- European Digital Rights, Online Safety and Wellbeing: principles guiding policies

Agora (Central Nave)

Lightning talks

  • Digital Equity Tool – Fundació Bofill, Spain.
  • Countering online hate speech with an online game – DAISSy research group, Greece.
  • Future Networks 4 Society Policy Lab – Fundació i2CAT, Spain.
  • Cultural and artistic digital citizenship – Center for Social Innovation, Cyprus.
  • Digital Accompaniment Points – Mobile World Capital Foundation Barcelona, Spain.
  • What is the Digital Skills 21 program?
    Digital Skills 21 Institution, Turkey

S4- Empowering digital social innovation

Panel discussion: ” Digital transformation in the Third Sector” – Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida, Spain.

Maker Fair (Central Hall)

Makerspace – Demo Experience

  • “CybARverse: Digital literacy in VET through cybersecurity training with immersive technologies” – Langas i Ateiti, Lithuania.
  • Robotics Digital Making – Esplai Foundation, Spain
  • TecnoTruck – The Mobile GarageLab: Itinerant Digital Fabrication Lab – La Rueca Asociación, Spain


Hall Auditorium (La Nave)

Lunch and networking


Slot 2: lectures, talks, panel discussions and concurrent activities

S1- Fostering the digital society

Workshop: “Immersive virtual reality. A virtual reality workshop to experience the virtual world in a creative way” – Digital Creativity, The Netherlands.

S2- Educating on Media Literacy, Data and AI

Panel discussion: “From analog to digital: A workshop on safe and creative digital media education in schools.”


  • Dora Šimunović, advocacy and public relations coordinator, European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education.


  • Márti Domokos, Project Coordinator, European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education.
  • Hilary Siddons, coordinator of the Scuola Novalis in Italy (Conegliano).
  • Pieter Bastin, pedagogical supervisor for media education, Flemish Steiner Schools.

S3- European Digital Rights, Online Safety and Wellbeing: principles guiding policies

Agora (Central Nave)

Lightning talks

  • Vulnerable youth and democracy – INCIDE, Spain.
  • Es por tu BIENestar – AUPEX, Spain.
  • Digital immersion in people with severe mental illness – Asociación Candelita, Spain.
  • Proposals and demands to institutions to favor access to digital culture.
    Rights and needs.
    – Plataforma Nave Boetticher, Spain.
  • Digitalization in citizen participation projects – Fundación Plan B Educación Social, Spain.

S4- Empowering digital social innovation

Workshop: “Artificial Intelligence for Adult Learning (AI4AL): a practical experience for adult educators on the linkage kit and AI-based tool that links skills to career and training paths” – AI4AL partnership, Belgium


  • Valentina Brilli, EGInA


  • Sylvana Hiltrop, SkillLab

Maker Fair (Central Hall)

Makerspace – Demo Experience

  • “Our daily screens”, Red Punt TIC / Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain.
  • Robotics & Digital Making – Esplai Foundation, Spain
  • TecnoTruck – The Mobile GarageLab: Itinerant Digital Fabrication Lab – La Rueca Asociación, Spain


Floor 2 (The Nave)

(Limited seating)

Ibero-American Forum “Making Policy Together”: Sport and Technology for the Promotion of Transferable Skills in Youth

  • Practical experiences in Sport and Technology for the development of skills – Fundación SES, Argentina; Liga Iberoamericana de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil and Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida, Spain.


Change of rooms


Slot 3: lectures, talks, panel discussions and concurrent activities

S1- Fostering the digital society

Agora (Central Nave)

Lightning talks

  • Culture Information Systems Center. Platform
  • Mobile World Capital Barcelona Global Award – Mobile World Capital Barcelona Foundation, Spain.
  • Inclusive STEAM educator competency framework – DAISSy research group, Greece.
  • EPMA.
    A3 Learning.
    Learning anywhere, anytime, from anyone – Kultūras informācijas sistēmu centrs, Czech Republic.
  • EIPASS Certification Service – Certipass, Italy.
  • EGInA Srl.

S2- Educating on Media Literacy, Data and AI

Workshop: DigComp Learning Outcomes Project: Update and Discussion – ALL DIGITAL & Joint Research Centre, Belgium.

S3- European Digital Rights, Online Safety and Wellbeing: principles guiding policies

Round table discussion: “Inclusion and the right to digital accessibility” Fundación Esplai and Plataforma Red Conecta Ciudadanía Comprometida, Spain.

S4- Empowering digital social innovation

Workshop: “Artificial Intelligence for Adult Learning (AI4AL): a practical experience in the self-taught training pathway for adult educators– Partnership (AI4AL)


  • Alexandru Ursulescu (CPIP)

Maker Fair (Central Hall)

Makerspace – Demo Experience

  • “EQUIPO A 2.0 program to prevent discriminatory behavior in schools in Galicia” – NGO Mestura, Spain.
  • Robotics & Digital Making – Esplai Foundation, Spain
  • TecnoTruck – The Mobile GarageLab: Itinerant Digital Fabrication Lab – La Rueca Asociación, Spain


Floor 2 (The Nave)

(Limited seating)

Ibero-American Forum “Making Policy Together”: Sport and Technology for the Promotion of Transferable Skills in Youth

  • Practical experiences in Sport and Technology for the development of skills – Fundación SES, Argentina; Liga Iberoamericana de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil and Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida, Spain.


Change of rooms


Auditorium (La Nave)

Institutional closing and reading of the Manifesto



Calle La Latina, 21, local 10
28047 Madrid (Spain)



Rue du Commerce 123, 1000 (Brussels)


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