Privacy Policy


Protection of personal data
The confidentiality of your personal data is a fundamental aspect for Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida and ALL DIGITAL. By using this website and the services offered therein, the user agrees to be bound by the terms of this Policy. This Policy is intended to explain how and for what purposes we use the information provided. For this purpose, please read this Privacy Policy carefully. Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida and ALL DIGITAL reserve the right to modify this privacy policy according to their own criteria, or motivated by a legal, jurisprudential or doctrinal change of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The use of the web site after the changes, will imply the acceptance of the same. If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you may contact us by writing to:

Fundación Esplai, Ciudadanía Comprometida, Calle Riu Anoia 42-54, 08820 El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) or Calle Latina 21, Local 13 28047 Madrid, or by e-mail to

ALL DIGITAL, Rue du Commerce 123, 1000 Brussels or by email

Who is responsible?
Fundación Esplai, Ciudadanía Comprometida, with NIF: G-62090535. The Esplai Foundation, Committed Citizenship is the owner of this website.

ALL DIGITAL’s data protection officer is Peter Palvolgyi, email and telephone 0032 (0)2 893 0201.

How did we obtain your personal data?
We have obtained your personal data through previous or current relationships that you have maintained or maintain with Fundación Esplai, Ciudadanía Comprometida and ALL DIGITAL: as a recipient of our services, as a participant in our campaigns, as a donor, or because you have asked us for information about the services, activities and campaigns of both entities. Both organizations are entitled to collect your data as a result of contractual obligations arising from this relationship. The processing of data for the purpose of sending electronic newsletters about services, events, and news related to our professional activity, is based on the legitimate interest of Esplai Committed Citizenship Foundation and ALL DIGITAL to carry out these treatments in accordance with current regulations or the consent given by the interested parties requested by the specific case. These data are suitable for the purposes described in the following section. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by email to the address and in the mail or also at the headquarters of Fundación Esplai, Ciudadanía Comprometida and ALL DIGITAL. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal, and will result in the impossibility of maintaining the relationship or the provision of the service, if any.

For what purpose do we process your data and for how long?
The information you have provided or may provide to us in the future is used strictly for the following purposes, as applicable:

  • Process your inquiries and/or requests;
  • Manage and evaluate the requested service;
  • Verify your identity;
  • Send information related to our activity and services;
  • To comply with the different legal obligations of Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida and ALL DIGITAL.

We will keep the data provided for as long as our relationship is in force, until you revoke the consent given, unless there is a legal rule that requires its conservation, proceeding, in this case, to block the data until the retention period expires. Subsequently, the collected data will be destroyed with privacy guarantees.

To whom may we provide your information and for what reason?
Your data may be disclosed to the following recipients for the reasons stated:

  • Providers who need access to data for the provision of services that Fundación Esplai, Ciudadanía Comprometida and ALL DIGITAL have contracted with them: IT and consulting service providers, payment service providers and credit reference agencies, third parties that help us provide digital and e-commerce services, marketing and campaigns that help us promote our services and third parties that perform statistical work. Both entities have signed with all of them the confidentiality and personal data processing contracts required by the privacy protection regulations.
  • Dependent or related entities (Fundació Catalana de lEsplai) to manage joint projects and other internal administrative purposes, including the processing of personal data.
  • Public Administrations: for compliance with legal obligations to which Fundación Esplai, Ciudadanía Comprometida is subject to its activity.
  • Third parties who reasonably need to have access to your personal data for one or more of the purposes described above.

International data transfers may occur in cases in which photographs are published on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) in accordance with the authorization and prior notification system established by current legislation, which the data subject may withdraw at any time. The aforementioned international transfers, where applicable, are adequately secured as they are based on standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission.

We only allow our service providers to process your personal data if we are confident that they take appropriate measures to protect it. We also impose contractual obligations on service providers related to ensuring that they can only use your personal data to provide services to us and to you. We may also share personal information with external auditors, for example in connection with the accreditation and audit of our accounts.

We may disclose and share information with law enforcement and regulatory agencies to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. Our Site contains links to third party websites that are not managed by Fundación Esplai Ciudadanía Comprometida and ALL DIGITAL. In addition, any personal data you provide on third party websites is subject to the privacy policies of those third parties. We are not responsible for the practices and policies of such third party websites.

What security measures do we apply?
We have adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to maintain the level of security required by the nature of the personal data processed. Esplai Committed Citizenship Foundation makes clear its commitment to the protection of personal data and privacy of users, and carries out the necessary technical security measures to prevent loss, manipulation, dissemination or alteration.

What are your rights?
As a data subject, you have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not those responsible are processing personal data concerning you. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, limitation, opposition and not to be subject to automated individualized decisions. To exercise these rights, you can send a written communication to Fundación Esplai, Ciudadanía Comprometida, Ref. Data Protection, Calle Riu Anoia 42-54, 08820 El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) or Calle Latina 21, Local 13 28047 Madrid, or by e-mail to To exercise these rights it will be necessary to attach a copy of the ID card. Finally, we remind you of your right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency in those cases in which there is a violation of the applicable data protection regulations.

What about cookies?
Fundación Esplai, Ciudadanía Comprometida and ALL DIGITAL may use cookies when a user browses its website. Cookies are files sent to the browser by a Web server in order to record the user’s activities during browsing time. The cookies used by our Web are associated exclusively with an anonymous user and his or her computer, and do not in themselves provide the user’s personal data. Through the use of cookies it is possible that the server where our Web page is located recognizes the Web browser used by the user in order to improve navigation. In any case, the user has the possibility of configuring his browser to be notified of the reception of cookies and to prevent them from being installed on his computer. To use this Web site it is not necessary that the user allows the installation of cookies sent by the Web. The cookies used by this website are, in any case, of a temporary nature for the sole purpose of making onward transmission more effective. In no case are they used to collect personal information.

Links to other websites:
We are not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites, even if the link is provided by our own website. We recommend that you carefully read the policy of each page you browse and that you contact its owner if you have any doubts in this regard. Also, if you obtain a link to our Web site through an external Web site, we are not responsible for the privacy policy or practices of that external Web site.

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